Peter Mogensen wrote:
> Thanks... I was wondering. Since there's many ways to do things in
> Lilypond, there's also many ways to do them wrong.
> Are there some kind of review process when I add to the repository?

Anyway... He're an example (I think there's no copyright problems with
this one):

Please tell me if you think it's good enough to upload.

As I said, it's not perfect. When I look at the source, I can think of
the following problem/hacks:

* Ties are not continued into second endings
* There's no support for flams, ruffs and rolls in Lilypond (slip=flam)
* I had to make ghost gracenotes in the other instruments because of
  flams in the snare voice
* It's difficult to get rehearsalmarks to not collide with volta and
  other text like "Fine" and metronome indications.
* I was lucky with this piece that tremolo strokes were not needed on
  any beamed notes (to simulate ruffs and rolls). Beames would have
  caused them to align to the beam, producing wrong results.
* When you create a \book, you can change the "piece" text for each
  piece, but you can't change the "instrument". So I used "piece"
* The final partial meassure has a "r4", which doesn't show. The reason
  is that I had to use "R4" to get the staff hidden when empty. (look
  the last measure of the drumStaff)
* When using a one-line staff, rehearsalmarks think they can move closer
  to the remaining line... and then they collide with the bars :(
* Bar numbers collide with StaffGroup braces.
* I had to do a wierd hack to the last full measure of the snare and
  explicitly write the beam. Else Lilypond would place to stroked 8ths
  instead... Don't know why.

... oh.. .and don't mind the MIDI-info. It's probably broken.


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