Title: Message
Mats -
You must be right.  I recall seeing a third ending inserted with only one staff, but can't repeat it.
Here's an example of what happens with a grace note on one of two staves.
\version "2.4.6"
\layout { raggedright = ##t }
\score{ \relative c' <<
\new Staff { \repeat volta 2 { a'1 ~ }
\alternative{ { a } { \grace a8~ a1 } }}
\new Staff { \repeat volta 2 { f1 }
\alternative{ { d } { d1 } }} >> }
This has been a good thread, presenting several alternatives for ties into a second ending.  I agree with Werner; a standard way should be provided -- all the tricks are flaky.  My post that condenses the thread is intended to indicate in the doc that no standard way exists and to give one way.
                             - Bruce
-----Original Message-----
From: Mats Bengtsson [
Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2005 5:48 AM
To: Fairchild
Cc: lilypond-user@gnu.org
Subject: Re: Ties in second endings

Fairchild wrote:
> Mats -
> Thanks.  Your two alternatives should make the docs, maybe Tips and
> Tricks.
> In your preferred case, using a hidden grace longer than 1/16 causes a
> third ending to be inserted.  Why?  Bug?

??? I can't repeat the problem. Did you remember to change the duration of the grace notes in both staves?

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