I'm writing a piece that has divided parts. My problem is that Lilypond is putting brackets around every line, not just the lines where the divisi occurs. I though that the SystemStartBracket.collapse-height property would take care of this for me automatically, but even when I try overriding the value, I still get the brackets. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can get rid of the brackets on the single lines, but keep the brackets on the divisi line? I'm using Lilypond 2.7.10 on Windows native.



partI = \new Voice {
   \clef bass
   a,4 b, c d e f g2 \break
   g4 ^\markup { "divis." } f e d c b, a,2 \break
   a,4 ^\markup { "tutti" } b, c d e f g2

partII = \new Voice {
   \clef bass
   a,4 b, c d e f g2

\score {
   \new StaffGroup {

   \layout {
       indent = 0\cm
       \context {
           \override RemoveEmptyVerticalGroup #'remove-first = ##t

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