Hi All,

I sent this email last week and got no response so I guess it got caught up
in the general flow of emails.

Specifically I'm looking for solutions to the two problems below if lilypond
can't do them now I'd be looking a sponsoring these improvements to

Thanks Trent

Just a few questions.

I know that
\override TextScript #'avoid-slur = #'inside    will make a slur go around
text and
\override Script #'avoid-slur = #'inside    will make a slur go around

is there a way that a slur can go around a tuplet number using the same
override?? Also could there be an override to allow the tuplet digit to be
displayed within the staff. Sometimes the digit when placed above staff
looks strange especially when the notes are around the middle to bottom of
the staff  (see triplet.png  getting the slur around the  tuplet digit was
faked by stopping the tuplet digit from being printed and using a markup to
create the 3 and using the TextScript override as above.) I know that they
can be changed invidually but this would take forever and a day to
individually adjust all the tuplets.

If these cannot be done in Lilypond at the moment could this be programmed
into Lilypond?

 Also using staccatissimo -|  this script is  always placed above or below
the stave but this should be like the regular staccato and go just above the
note whether it be within the stave or not. Could this be fixed as it looks
weird ( see staccatissimo.png example please note that it's the position of
the staccatissimo's that always the slur to be wrapped with the slur ).


 Trent Johnston

Attachment: staccatissimo.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: Triplet.png
Description: PNG image

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