D Josiah Boothby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have two favorite ways to go.
> My normal method is with a non-X Emacs session (I suppose Vim, Nano
> would work just as well for this as emacs, but I got used to emacs
> first, so it stuck). ctrl-X,ctrl-S,ctrl-Z saves and hides the window,
> then at the command line, I issue the following:
> $ lilypond myfile.ly && gv myfile.ps && fg

Why not using emacs' LilyPond-mode? 

  C-c C-l calls lilypond to compile the .ly
  C-c C-d calls gv to see the .pdf
  C-c RET calls timidity to hear the .midi

In the compilation buffer, you can jump from error lines to the
approriate place in source files.


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