Erik Sandberg wrote:

>You can use two different voices for the notes, and then use \lyricsto to 
>assign lyrics only to one of the voices:
>  \new Staff <<
>    \context Voice="song" {s1 | b4 b b r | s1 | s1 | }
>    \context Voice="instr" {b4 a g a |  s1  | a4 a a r | b d d r }
>  >>
>  \lyricsto "song" { li -- tle lamb }

that would at least cut down on the number of _ _ _ and would relieve me
of the task of having to track the number of notes in each bar. Thanks.
That is a good workable suggestion.

>Notice that the "song" voice here is kept alive with skip notes all the time. 
>In principle, I think it also should be possible to do it like this:
> {  \context Voice="instr" {b4 a g a} | \context Voice="song" {b b b r}  | 
>\context Voice="instr" {a a a r | b d d r} }
>However, I think there are bugs that prevent this, so I don't recommend it.
This method would be even better as it would allow me to turn lyrics on
and off without having to use skips or spaceholders of any kind. Do you
know if there are plans to fix the bugs you mention soon?

Best Wishes
Ian H

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