Hi Everyone...
I am typesetting a Violin Sonata by Locatelli and I want to provide a written out stave above the violin showing how the sometimes abbreviated part should be played.
I'm trying to use the \stopStaff and \startStaff commands used in the 'Tips and Tricks' section but unfortunately this doesn't seem to work as I get a whole new staff above the violin either with staff lines or no staff lines but with a clef.
I've attached a snippet of the code so you can see where I might have gone wrong.
Any help appreciated..
Trent Johnston
% Created on Fri Oct 21 12:49:26 EST 2005
\version "2.7.12"

#(set-global-staff-size 16)
#(set-default-paper-size "a4")
triplet = \markup { \italic \tiny 3 }
sextup = \markup { \italic \tiny 6 }

\header {
        title = "Sonata I"
        composer = "Pietro Locatelli"
        opus = "Op 8"
        footer = "Sonata I"

\paper {
        bottommargin = 3\cm
        leftmargin = 2\cm
        raggedbottom = ##f
        raggedlastbottom = ##f
        linewidth = 6.8\in

\include "english.ly"

staffViolin = \new Staff {
        \time 4/4
        \set Staff.midiInstrument="violin"
        \key f \major
        \clef treble
        \relative c'' {
                \override TupletBracket  #'bracket-visibility = ##f
                \override TupletBracket  #'number-visibility = ##f
                \override TextScript #'avoid-slur = #'inside
%bar 1
c4.^\markup { \large \bold Largo. } f8 e f r16 f,( c' f) 
%bar 2
d8 c bf4 a r8 a'16( f)
%bar 3
g8 c, r f16( d) e8 a, r d16( bf)
%bar 4
c8 f, bf16( g') bf,( a) a8( g) r16 c,( g' bf)
%bar 5
bf16( g) a8 r16 d,( a' c) c( a) bf8 r16 g( d' f~)
%bar 6
f32 e[ g16.] f32[ a16.] g32[ bf16.] a32[ c16] \grace { d16[ c]} b8 g c c,
%bar 7
a'16( f) g( e) f4\trill e r8 c
%bar 8
d4. c'16( e,) f8 c f4~
%bar 9
f8 e16( d) c8[ e] d[ g,] g'4
%bar 10
g8 f16( e) f8 d ef2~
%bar 11
e8 d16( c) d8 c c4( c16 a') bf,( a)
%bar 12
bf2~ bf8 a a16[( bf32 a) e'16 g,]
%bar 13
fs8 d g c bf4 a
%bar 14
<< { gs8 e a a' a4( g } \\ {s2. bf,4 } >>
%bar 15
<< { g'8 f) c8_([ d32 c bf a64 g]) \grace f8 e16 d'_( c e,) f_( c') a_( f) } \\ 
{ a4 s2. } >>
%bar 16
d32( e16 f32) c( c'64 a f32 e64 d) \grace c8 bf8\trill[( bf32 a bf c)] bf8( a) 
r16 f( c' ef)
%bar 17
\once \override TextScript #'avoid-slur = #'outside e16^\markup{ \teeny \flat 
}( c) d8 r16 g,( d' f) f16( d) e!8 r16 c( g' bf)
%bar 18
bf16( a c, a') a( g c, g') g( f bf, f') f(e a, ef')
%bar 19
\once \override TextScript #'avoid-slur = #'outside e16^\markup{ \teeny \flat 
}( d f, d') d( c f, c') b4 a~
%bar 20
a8 bf16( g) \grace a8 g8.\trill f16 e4 c'8 d
%bar 21
a4 g f2^\fermata \bar "||" \break

Alt = \new Staff \with {
    \remove "Time_signature_engraver"
    fontSize = #-2
    \override StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #(magstep -2)
    firstClef = ##f
        \relative c'{ 
\skip 1*2
c32 c'( b c) a-. c( b c) g-. c( b c) f,-. c'( b c)
\stopStaff s2
\skip 1*10
c32 c'( b c) a-. c( b c) g-. c( b c) f,-. c'( b c)

staffCello = \new Staff  {
        \set Staff.midiInstrument="cello"
        \key f \major
        \clef bass
        \relative c {
                \override TupletBracket  #'bracket-visibility = ##f
                \override TupletBracket  #'number-visibility = ##f
                \override TextScript #'avoid-slur = #'inside
%bar 1
f8 g a bf~ bf a16 g a8 f
%bar 2
bf8 a g c, f, f'16 g a8 f~
%bar 3
f8 e16 d e8 d8. s16 c bf c8 bf
%bar 4
bf8 a g f c4 e'
%bar 5
f4 fs4 g bf,
%bar 6
c8 d e f~ f e16 d e8 c
%bar 7
f8 e d g, c4 c'~
%bar 8
c8 bf16( a) bf4. a16( g) a8 f
%bar 9
g8 c, c'4. bf16( a) bf8 g
%bar 10
a8 d, d'4. c16( bf) c8 a
%bar 11
bf2~ bf8 a16( g) a8 fs
%bar 12
g8 f ef d cs cs cs cs
%bar 13
c4 b8 ef d4 d'~
%bar 14
d8 c16( b) c8 d e d e e,
%bar 15
f8 g a bf~ bf a16 g a8 f
%bar 16
bf8 a g c, f4 a,
%bar 17
bf4 b c e
%bar 18
f4 e d c 
%bar 19
b a g f
%bar 20
bf bf'2 a8 bf
%bar 21
c,2 f,^\fermata

fb = \figuremode { 
        \context FiguredBass {
                \override FiguredBass.NewBassFigure #'font-size = #-2
                \set minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-2.5 . 1.0)
%================= bar 1
s2 <4 2>8 <6>8 s4
%================= bar 2
s4 <7>8 <7>8 s2
%================= bar 3
<5 2>4. <5>8 <5 2>4 s8 <5>8
%================= bar 4
<5 2>4 <6>4 <6 4>8 <5 3>8 <6>8 <5>8
%================= bar 5
<9>8 <8>8 <6>8 <5>8 <9>8 <8>8 <6>8 <5>8
%================= bar 6
<9>16 <8>16 <9>16 <8>16 <9>16 <8>16 <9>16 <8>16 <4! 2>8 <6>8 s4
%================= bar 7
s4  <7>16 s <7 _!>8 s2
%================= bar 8
<4 2>4 <3>8 <6 4>8 <5 2>8 s8 <6>4
%================= bar 9
<7>4 <3>4 <2 5>4 <6>4
%================= bar 10
<7>4 <3>4 <4 2->4 <_- 6>4
%================= bar 11
<4>4 <3>4 <2 4->4 <6+>4
%================= bar 12
<9>4 <5>4 <7>8 <6>8 s8 <6 5>8
%================= bar 13
<4+ 2>4 <6>8 <6>16 s <6 4>4 <3- 5>4
%================= bar 14
<6! 4+ 2>2 <6 4>4 <5- 3>4
%================= bar 15
<9>8 <7>8 <6>8 <6>8 <4 2>8 <6>8 s4
%================= bar 16
s4 <7>8 <7>8 s4 <6>8 <5->8
%================= bar 17
<9>8 <8>8 <6>8 <5>8 <9>8 <8>8 <6>8 <5>8
%================= bar 18
<9>8 <8>8 <6>4 <6>4 <6>4
%================= bar 19
<5>4 <6>4 <6>4 s4
%================= bar 20
<7>4 <6>4 <2 4>4 <6>4
%================= bar 21
<6 4>4 <5 3>4 s2

\score {
                \new StaffGroup <<
                << \Alt
                \staffViolin >>
                { \staffCello }
                \fb >>
        \midi {

        \layout  {
                \context { \Staff minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-5 . 5) }

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