Hi again

I have the notes under control, so now I want to do the hard part, annotate my music :-)

The very first thing I want to do is proving difficult !

I have a layout like this, with 4 staves. The music begins with rests for all parts but the cello.

       With determination (o = 100)
Sop        r1
Mez        r1
Alt         r1
Cello      notes

I want to write the expression and tempo marking as indicated above.
The words need to start before the rest symbols are printed (sop/mez/alt)

I wanted to use the \tempo directive, as I will use that elsewhere in
the piece, but I failed to get that to embed in the markup.

My solution seems overly complicated for such a basic (and common) thing. In the
soprano line I put :

r1^\markup { \hspace #-3.0 With Determination ( \raise # 0.5 { \note #"2" #1.0 }=100) }


1) the \hspace is to push the text to the left of the first rest
2) The \raise is to get the note-head to align so that the bottom of the note aligns with the bottom of the "100" (in the same way as in the \tempo command) 3) The note head size is larger than that which comes out with the \tempo command

Is there an easier way to do this ? Can i embed \tempo in the \markup somehow
so that at least I get consistent note sizes ?


I also wanted to explore how to move text around and eventually found the
padding and extra-offset properties.

The manual gives examples (Sec 4.3)

      \once \override TextScript #'padding = #1.5


      \once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'( 1.0 . -1.0 )

The # syntax appears to be when a command or property takes an argument
(of any type; string, integer, float etc).

Could someone please explain the syntax involving the ' (comma) marks ? Padding has one comma and extra-offset has two. There are no comma marks in the markup commands, why are they in these ones ? I also find the period in the middle of the ( 1.0 . -1.0) strange and I didn't even see it at first (and wondered why it wasn't working).

Anyway, using the extra-offset ( I couldn't get padding to work) I rewrote my expression
above (and added a vertical shift) as :

      \once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'( -3.0 . 2.0 )
      r1^\markup { With Passion ( \raise # 0.5 { \note #"4" #1.0 }=100) }

which is still quite complicated. Is there a simpler way to move things about or is this the one true way ?


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