
I am trying to connect a tie between voltas. I have this piece of music:

 \repeat volta 2 { c 1~ c4 d, e fis b2 b ~ \break
        b4 c, d e a1 ~ }
        \alternative { {a4 b, cis dis e1 \break
        r4 e fis g} { a4 fis a g e1( e4) r4 dis e} } }

The thing is, that even though I get a tie between the a1 note just before the first volta, and the a4 note in the first volta, I don't get a tie from the a1 note before the first volta, and the a4 note in the SECOND volta (or at least a tie from near the barline and to the a4 note in the second volta, indicating it comes from the note before the first volta).
Is there a way to fix this, so I get a tie both places?

- Alex

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