I have been able to get transparent note stems working.  

Now I am trying to create to short vertical lines on each side of the stemless 
notes to indicate that there is a string of words sung on that one note in 
free time.  I tried using the \barOne and \barTwo definitions in the Gregorian 
chant template, but lilypond is refusing to process that. Any suggestions?  
Thanks again.

Arthur \version "2.6.0"
global = 
        \key g \major
        \set Staff.autoBeaming = ##f

\header {       
                title = "O Heavenly King"
                subtitle = ""
                tagline = ""   
                poet = ""
                composer = ""   

#(set-global-staff-size 15)

upperOne = 
        \relative c''{
        \set Timing.timing = ##f
        \key g \major
        b2 b1 \bar ".|" g4 fis2 fis4 fis g1 \bar "|"
        a4  \once \override Stem #'transparent = ##t a a a2 g4 g a1 \bar "|"
upperTwo =  
        \relative c''{
        \set Timing.timing = ##f
        g2 g1 d4 dis2 dis4 dis e1
        fis4 \once \override Stem #'transparent = ##t fis4 fis fis2 e4 e fis1

lowerOne =      
        \relative c' {
        \set Timing.timing = ##f
        \key g \major
        d2 d1 b4 b2 b4 b b1
        d4 \once \override Stem #'transparent = ##t d4 d d2 d4 d d1

lowerTwo =   
        \relative c {
        \set Timing.timing = ##f
        g'2 g1 d4 b2 b4 b4 e1 
        d4 \once \override Stem #'transparent = ##t d d d2 d4 d d1

firstverse = \lyricmode {
        A -- men. O Heav -- en -- ly King,
        the Comforter, the Spir -- it of Truth

        \context StaffGroup<<
                \context Staff = "upper" 
                        \clef treble
                        \context Voice = "one" \upperOne
                        \context Voice = "two" \upperTwo 
                \lyricsto "one" \new Lyrics {

                \context Staff = "lower" <<
                                        \clef bass
                                        \context Voice = "one" \lowerOne
                                        \context Voice = "two" \lowerTwo

\layout {
                        \remove "Time_signature_engraver"

                barNumberVisibility = #all-invisible

\midi { }                       
\paper {

        topmargin = .0\in
        leftmargin = .1\in
        linewidth = 5\in 
        indent = 0
        pagenumber = "no"

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