The solutions so far have produced very odd results.
Mostly in the form of extra blank measures for the markup words. Plus the :8 for crosses on the stems does not seem to be working and producing the 'partial' measure effect which is very confusing.

here's the whole file

\version "2.6.0"
\header {
 title = "Oud 129-132"
subtitle = "G major, arpeggio, andantino, Moderato"

 copyright = "For study purposes only"

melody = \relative c'
\clef treble
\key g \major
#(set-global-staff-size 20)
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()
\time 4/4 g4 a8 b c d e fis | g4 a8 b c d e fis | g4 fis8 e d c bes a |
g4 fis8 e d c b a| g1 \bar "||"
g4 b d g | b d g d | b g d b | g1 \bar "||"

\tempo 4=80
\time 3/4
\once \override TextScript #'padding = #2.0
s1^\markup{ \italic Andantino }
s1^\markup{ Pelleagato }
b4\mf c d | g,2.| g'4. g16 g-^ fis8 g | a2 d,4| b'2 a4| c2 a4| fis2 d4| d'2.|
e2 d8 c-^| b2 b8 c | d2 c8 b | a4. b16 a-^ g8 f | e2 d8 g| b2 a8 g-^|
a4. b16 a-^ g fis | g4 d8 b g4 \bar "||"
\time 3/8
\tempo 8=92
\once \override TextScript #'padding = #2.0
s1^\markup{ \italic Moderato }
s1^\markup{ Pelleagato }
b8:8 d:8 g:8 |d:8 g:8 b:8 | g:8 b:8 d:8| g:8\f d:8 b:8 | g:8 b:8 d:8 |e:8 c:8 a:8 |
fis:8 a:8 c:8 | d:8 b:8 g:8 | e:8 g:8 b:8 | c:8 a:8 fis:8 | d:8 fis:8 a:8 |
b:8 g:8 e:8 | c:8 e:8 g:8 | a:8 fis:8 d:8 | b:8 d:8 fis:8 | g:8 e:8 c:8 |
a:8 c:8 e:8 | fis:8 d:8 b:8 | g''16 d d b b g| fis' c c a a fis| e' b b g g e| d' a a fis fis d | c' g g e e c |b' fis fis d d b| a' e e c c a| g' d d b b d |
g8 r r
\bar "||"

\score {
\new Staff \melody
\layout { }
\midi { \tempo 4=60 }

Thanks for the help.

Childhood is a Journey not a race- Emma Sadinsky aged 8
Jay Hamilton
Sound and Silence

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