I seem to recall that this was a bug in version 2.4 that has been fixed in later
versions. On possibility might be to put each \score{...} within its own
\book{...}, at least for the MIDI outputs (if you do that for the paper output,
you will get one PDF file for each \book). Note also that the \book in your
example below is completely redundant.


Daniel Hernandez wrote:

Hello I working with a composition with many pieces. I structure all they
in a book enviroment like this:

--- file book.ly ----------
: : Flute = \relative c'' {
:   \key c \major
:   \time 4/4
:   a b c d f g a
: } flute = {
:   \set Staff.instrument = "Flute "
:   \set Staff.midiInstrument = "flute"
:   \clef treble
:   \context Staff << \Flute >>
: }
: : Violin = \relative c'' {
:   \key c \major
:   \time 4/4
:   g f e d c b a g
: } violin = {
:   \set Staff.instrument = "Violin "
:   \set Staff.midiInstrument = "violin"
:   \clef treble
:   \context Staff << \Violin >>
: }
: : \book {
:   \header {
:     title = "Book test"
:     composer = "My name"
: }
: :   \score {
:     \header { piece = "Piece 1" }
:     <<
:       \context Staff = flute \flute
:     >>
:     \layout { }
:     \midi { \tempo 4=60 }
:   }
: :   \score {
:     \header { piece = "Pice 2" }
:     <<
:       \context Staff = violin \violin
:     >>
:     \layout { }
:     \midi { \tempo 4=60 }
:   }
: }

But when I compile the *.ly file it generate only the midi for the second score. For the compilation comments above I think that it overwrite the first score.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] lilypond book.ly
GNU LilyPond 2.4.5
Processing `book.ly'
Interpreting music... [2]
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Calculating line breaks...
Interpreting music...
Salida MIDI a `book.midi'...
Interpreting music... [3]
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Calculating line breaks...
Interpreting music...
Salida MIDI a `book.midi'...
Layout output to `book.tex'...
Converting to `book.dvi'...
Converting to `book.ps'...
Converting to `book.pdf'...

I want to get one midi file, with the two consecutive scores, or two midi files, one for each score. Do you know how can I do it?

Daniel Hernandez

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        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
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