I'm on a steep learning curve also, and the list has been great.  There are a 
couple of other things you can do.  Download the manual onto your machine and 
then do word searches for what you are trying to do.  For example, if you do 
a search for "transparent", you 'll find ways to make bars, notes and stems 
transparent, among other things.

Another thing I have been doing is finding templates wherever I can and then 
using or adapting them.  People will often send you a template if you tell 
them what you are trying to do.  Another good place to look is 
www.mutopiaproject.org.  There you'll find lots of different styles of music 
with both the pdf and .ly files.

Finally, don't forget about Google.  It will often take you straight to list 
archives regarding your search.

You sound really excited about Lilypond, as are we all.  But you might get 
more responses if you split up your questions into separate emails with their 
own subject line.  



On Friday 04 November 2005 03:12 pm, Markian Hlynka wrote:
> Hi everyone!
> I just discovered lilypond the other day, and I can't stop playing
> with it. I have all sorts of questions, and I'm hoping maybe some
> people here might be able to point me in the right direction.
> First, here are the simple questions:
> 1. how can I make a small note? like, sometimes in a bass part
> (vocal) there's an additional note an octave down, sometimes small,
> sometimes in brackets, indicating that you can sing it if you're
> able. I see in the manual an incredibly complex way to change the
> notehead size in a chord. That's too much effort. I managed to do it
> like this:
>      \relative c
>      \new Staff {
>          \clef bass
>          {c4 c c c f f e2
>         d4 d c c b g <<c2 \\ \tiny c,>>}
>      }
> That's not too bad, trouble is the note has a seperate stem, which
> might not be what you want. Is there any other way to do this?
> 2. Similarly, can I print a notehead with NO stem?
> 3. What about putting parentheses around a note in the score ie (o)
> 4. One other simple one. I'm sure I saw somewhere in the
> documentation a way to extend lines, something like
> \header{
>      composer = "Mozart " \\
>                  \line "the child prodigy"
> }
> or something like that. But, now I can't find it any more!
> OK, now, here are the tough questions.
> 5. I'm inputting cyrillic text. I've noticed that if cyrillic and
> latin text coincide, they collide in a mess. Is this a known problem?
> I'll send an example, but I don't know if this list will take
> attachments. Basically if I write <cyrillic> <latin> <cyrillic> in, say,
> \header{
>   title = "<cyrillic> <latin> <cyrillic>"
> }
> the result on the score will be <cyri########ic> where ## indicates
> overlapped text.
> 6. I'm trying to understand how to format a choral score. Of
> particular interest is how the words get attached etc.I looked at the
> examples in section 3 of the manual, but that's not quite what I
> want. So far, I've settled on this:
> \score
> {
>      \context ChoirStaff
>      <<
>          \context Staff = bari
>          <<
>              \clef bass
>              \mainvoice
>          \context Lyrics = bari \mainwords
>          \context Staff = bass
>          <<
>              \clef bass
>              \secondvoice
> }
> Am I doing this right? Among the things I don't understand are how/
> when the names apply (bari), and where the lyrics get stuck. In my
> example, if I move my \context Lyrics line below the second staff,
> the words print there as well. Yet, in the manual clearly the words
> are tied to the staff explicitly?
> 7. Finally (for now), I'm having trouble aligning lyrics to music. I
> have this:
> mainvoice = \relative c
> {
>      \key a \minor
>      \repeat volta 2
>      {
>          \partial 8*3
>          e8 a8.  [ b16] c2~c8 b16 a gis8. a16 b2 r8
>      }
> }
> mainwords = \lyricmode{ one -- two -- three -- four five six }
> So, the end of sylable four should align with c2~c8.. It does, but
> "five" is also under the c2, not under the subsequent b16 where it
> belongs. I've tried adding _ and __ and even _ __, but there doesn't
> seem to be any effect. Am I doing something wrong? Same problem in
> English and Cyrillic.
> Greatly appreciate any help people can give me. This is a very cool
> program, and I'd very much like to use it more!
> Thanks,
> Markian
> PS: System: Mac OS X 10.4.2, Lilypond version 2.6.4-1, also using
> lilypad preview 2-1
> ----
> When arguing with an idiot, be sure they aren't doing the same.
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