You might also want to take a look at


Kress, Stephen wrote:

Thanks for the tip! The music I'm working with has an extra eighth (possibly the rest) in a couple of measures. I thought I had gotten them all.

Would it be worthwhile to have a "debugging your ly files" FAQ? It would be nice to have documented that measure bars will disappear when you've counted wrong.

Thanks for the quick response!

-----Original Message-----

Why not ask LilyPond itself to assist you in finding the problem.
Just insert a | where you expect to have a bar line (it will also
help you read your own input when working with the score), then
LilyPond will print a warning every time it finds bar that does
not end where you put the |.

However, here it shouldn't be hard to find the problem anyway, since
the b4 in bar 71 begins an 8th before the bar line.


Kress, Stephen wrote:
> All,
> I have been happily using lilypond for a while now but have run into a
> real mystery. I've attached the .ly file I'm working on. I'm using 2.6.4.
> If you generate the PDF, you'll notice bar lines are missing between
> measures 71 and 72 and thereafter, until measure 75.  The text "75" for
> the measure number should be on the double bar one measure later.  It
> really looks like something has made lilypond's timing go very strange. > I thought it might be because of the triplet 16ths, but I can comment
> those out and the problems before them are still there.
> I'm not doning anything complicated at all here so I am at a loss as to
> why lilypond stops drawing bar lines and stops counting properly (or at
> least gives the appearance of not counting rignt).
> Any help would be very much appreciated.  Thanks!
> Stephen
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> % Great Is Thy Faithfulness - Clarinet
> \version ""
> #(set-default-paper-size "a4" 'landscape)
> copyright = \markup { \hspace #0.5 \raise #0.75 { \circle {\small C} } }
> \header
> {
>     title = "Great Is Thy Faithfulness"
>     composer = "William N. Runyan"
>     arranger = \markup { \italic { "Arranged by Key Barker" } }
>     poet = "Clarinet I"
> copyright = \markup { \copyright "Copyright (various) All rights reserved." }
>     tagline = " "
> }
> {
> \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible
>     \override Score.BarNumber #'direction = #-1
>     \override Score.BarNumber #'self-alignment-X = #0
>     \override BreathingSign #'extra-offset = #'( 0 . 1.5 )
>     \clef treble
>     \key d \major
>     \time 3/4
>     \relative c''
>     {
>         \set Score.skipBars = ##t
>         \override MultiMeasureRest #'expand-limit = 1
>         R2. r4 a( a') R2. r4 d,( d'
>         \repeat volta 2
>         {
>             \mark \markup { \box A } cis2.)
>             R2.*7 a2.~ a~ a~ a4 g2\> \breathe fis4(\! e d
>             a2.~ a2) r4
>         }
>         \alternative
>         {
>             { R2.*2 } { R2. }
>         }
>         r4 a8(\mf d fis g \bar "||"
> \mark \markup { \box B } a4) a e g8.( fis16) fis4 d16( e fis a b4) b fis a8.( g16)
>         g2 a4(\< b cis\! d a b cis d b\> a2.)\! R2.*7 \bar "||"
> \mark \markup { \box C } fis4\mf^\markup { \italic { "a tempo - With Movement" } } fis fis fis4. e8 e4 \bar "||"
>         \set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##f
>         \key e \major
> e4(\< a) a--\! a( gis2) \breathe cis4( dis cis b a gis) b2( cis4) > e( fis e) dis8( b fis'4 dis e4. dis8 cis4 b a gis8 b16 e gis4 fis) fis,16( gis a
>         b cis4 dis e e4.( b8) b4-- gis gis( fis e2.~ e2) r4 \bar "||"
> \mark \markup { \box D } R2. r4 r8 b( e[ gis] cis2.)~ \startTrillSpan cis2 \stopTrillSpan \breathe
>         a16( b cis e) fis8( dis16 fis) e8( cis16 e) dis8( cis16 dis)
> e8[ a] gis[ e] cis[( b]) fis'2.~ \startTrillSpan fis2 \stopTrillSpan
>         r8 dis16-. e-. fis8( gis16 fis e4) dis16( cis b a gis8.) a16 b2
> r8 b16-. b-. b8-- b16-. b-. b-. b-. b8->~ b4 a gis8( fis) e2 gis8( cis) e4.( b8) b4 gis a dis, > e r8 e16[( fis gis a] b4~ b) r8 b16-. b-. b4-- b'2.~\< \startTrillSpan b4.\! \stopTrillSpan
>         a16[( gis] fis[ e \times 2/3 { d cis b] } \bar "||"
>         \key f \major
>         \mark \markup { \box E } c4) c g
>     }
> }
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> lilypond-user mailing list

        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        Signals, Sensors and Systems
        Royal Institute of Technology
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
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        Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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lilypond-user mailing list

        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        Signals, Sensors and Systems
        Royal Institute of Technology
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
       Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
        Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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