I would recommend to move your \time command into (at least) one of the
Staff contexts. Then you can do
 \context ChoirStaff <<
   \context Staff = bari <<
     \time 4/4
     \clef bass

Note that the syntax for the \score{...} block is

 <music expression>
 <optional layout block>
 <optional midi block>
 <optional header block>
and that you only can have a single music expression at the top level inside the
\score{...} block.


Markian Hlynka wrote:

ok, I think I've solved several of my ongoing issues. But, I'm not sure I understand why. I now have:
    \time 4/4
    \context ChoirStaff
        \context Staff = bari
            \clef bass
            \context Voice = themusic \mainvoice
            \lyricsto "themusic" \new Lyrics \mainwords

        \context Staff = bass
            \clef bass
    \layout{ }
    \midi { \tempo 4=20 }

But, I needed to put in the extra { } around the music inside there. What's up with that? The templates in chapter three don't do this, so I'm completely confused.

And then there's the midi thing. no matter what I set the midi tempo to, I always hear the same thing. I'm using Lilypad... could that be a cause? But I've tried exporting to a file and playing in an external player, and it makes no difference!

Should I be setting up my score in a different way?



Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man stupid and blind in the eyes.
                                                     --Mazer Rackham

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