Since contexts are uniquely identified by their name, if you specify
the same name of "two different" Lyrics contexts, they will actually
be typeset in one and the same context, i.e. on one and the same line.
So, you can simply replace
\context Lyrics = LvTwo \lyricsto sVerse { \sopranVerseLyricTwo }
\context Lyrics = LpartoneS \lyricsto sVerse { \sopranVerseLyricTwo }
in your \score{...} to get what you want (or at least what I guess that
you want).


Herczeg Olivér wrote:

2005-11-11, p keltezéssel 10.02-kor Herczeg Olivér ezt írta:
hi alls,

i'm beginner "lilyponder", and like to do like below; theres a 3 times
repeated score, but thel lyrics are partially same only one part of them
differ ..

                           here's the first verse
here comes the same part #1 here's the second verse here continues ..
                           here's the third verse

the end of repeat theres an alternative ending the score (works well)

well, i'm till beginner :P ; attaching the half-maded .ly, and waiting
for an idea - if any - to make Lyrics, like written above


ps: maybe the way i've tried wrong, than please correct me;-)

\paper {
        raggedlastbottom = ##t

\header {
        title="Give me that old time religion"
%       subtitle="årvíztŹr� tßkÜrfúrógÊp"
        tagline = "Szerkesztette: Herczeg OlivĂŠr, GNU Lilypond 2.6.4"

\version "2.6.4"

global = {
        \key bes \major
        \time 2/2

sopranVerse = \relative c' {
        \context Voice = sVerse { f4 g | bes4 \slurDotted bes8( g) bes4. bes8 | 

sopranVerseLyricOne = \lyricmode {
It was \set ignoreMelismata = ##t % applies to "for"
        good for the He -- brew |

sopranVerseLyricTwo = \lyricmode {
% splitted part
                It will bring you out of |
% end

sopranVerseLyricThree = \lyricmode {
        It was
        \set ignoreMelismata = ##t % applies to "for"
        good for my dear old

sopranStartM = \relative c' {
        \partial 8*4 f8 f g4 |

sopranRepeated = \relative c' {
        \repeat "volta" 3 { bes'2 bes4. bes8 | g8 f4. bes8 bes bes4 | c2 c4. d8 
| c8 bes4. d8 d c4 |
                bes2 bes4. bes8 | g4 f2 d4 | f4. bes8 bes4 c | bes2
        f4. bes8 bes4 c }
        \alternative { { bes2 f8 f g4 } { \partial 2 bes2 } } \bar "|."

altM = \relative c' {
        \partial 8*4 d8 d d4
        \repeat "volta" 3 { f2 f4. f8 | d8 d4. d8 d d4 | ees2 ees4. ees8 | ees8 
d4. f8 f d4 |
                ees2 g4. g8 | g4 f2 d4 | d4. f8 e4 ees | d2
        \alternative { { d2 d8 d d4 } { \partial 2 d2 } }

sumLyrics = \lyricmode {
        Give me that old time re -- lig -- ion, give me that old time re -- lig 
-- ion, give me that
        old time re -- lig -- ion, it's good e -- nough for | me.
        good e -- nough for |
        { { me. Give me that } { me. } }

tenorM = \relative c {
        \partial 8*4 bes'8 bes bes4
        \repeat "volta" 3 { d2 d4. d8 | bes8 bes4. f8 f f4 | a2 a4. a8 | a8 
bes4. aes8 aes aes4 |
g2 bes4. bes8 | d4 d2 bes4 | bes4. d8 c4 a | f2 }
        \alternative { { f2 bes8 bes bes4 } { \partial 2 f2 } }

bassM = \relative c {
        \partial 8*4 bes8 bes bes4
        \repeat "volta" 3 { bes2 bes4. bes8 | bes8 bes4. bes8 bes bes4 | f'2 
f4. f8 | bes,8 bes4. bes8 bes bes4 |
                g2 g4. g8 | bes'4 bes2 f4 | f4. f8 c4 f | bes,2
        \alternative { { bes2 bes8 bes bes4 } { \partial 2 bes2 } }

\score {
        \context ChoirStaff
                \context Staff = sopranstaff
                        \context Voice = sopranos { \clef "G" \global 
\sopranStartM \sopranRepeated
%                               \context Voice = versussopran { \sopranVerseOne 
%                       \sopranMcont
                        \context Lyrics = LvOne
                        \context Lyrics = LpartoneS
                        \context Lyrics = LvTwo
                        \context Lyrics = LvThree
%               <<
%                       \context Voice = altos { \clef "G" \global \altM }
%               >>
%               <<
%                       \context Voice = tenors { \clef "G_8" \global \tenorM }
%               >>
%                       \context Lyrics = LpartoneT
%               <<
%                       \context Voice = basses { \clef "F" \global \bassM }
%               >>
        \context Lyrics = LpartoneS \lyricsto sopranos { \sumLyrics }
        \context Lyrics = LvOne \lyricsto sVerse { \sopranVerseLyricOne }
        \context Lyrics = LvTwo \lyricsto sVerse { \sopranVerseLyricTwo }
        \context Lyrics = LvThree \lyricsto sVerse { \sopranVerseLyricThree }
%       \context Lyrics = LpartoneT \lyricsto tenors { \sumLyrics }

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        Signal Processing
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