On Saturday 12 November 2005 11.53, Seng Liang wrote:
> Hi, I'm using Lilypond 2.7.12 for Windows 98 and I am having some lyric
> difficulties. Here is the file:
> \version "2.7.12"
> \relative c' {
> \set Staff.instrument="Soprano"
>         \clef treble  #(set-accidental-style 'modern)
>         \key f \major
>         \time 2/4
>      \autoBeamOff  \override Score.RehearsalMark #'padding = #2.5
>  f'2 g, c a' f << { \tiny g c f,4 } \\ { \normalsize g,2 c f,4 } >> r4
> \bar ".|."      }
>  \addlyrics { Al -- le -- lu -- ja,  al -- le -- lu -- ja. }
> I would like to know why are the lyrics in bar 6 to 8 missing?

The lyrics are aligned to the notes from one voice. The problem is that
<< \\ >> create new voices implicitly (named "1" and "2"), and the f'2 etc. 
belong to the default voice "".

I would suggest that you use \lyricsto, and avoid the <<\\>> syntax. Somethign 

  \new Staff \context Voice = melody {
    .. f'2 ... << \context Voice = other { \voiceOne \tiny g ... } \context 
Voice=melody { \voiceTwo g,2 ... } >> \oneVoice r4 ...

  \lyricsto melody { Al ... }


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