Hi all,
I am planning of typesetitng with lylipond a large quantity of vocal
music with instruments for a pubblication. I am quite new to lilypond
but after some work I was able to typeset the foist movement of the
first chorus (eight voices + nine instruments). While everything seems
to work out well, including lyrics, I have problems vith vertical
spacing. I have set a vertical spacing og -6.6 in my \layout block:

\layout {
  indent = 2.0\cm
  \context { \Staff
    minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-6 . 6 )

The problem is that the voices wich have lyrics have a huge vertical
spacing added in the first page (even if the voices enter after a few
pages), disappears on subsequent pages, and reappears when the vhorus
starts. This seems idipendent to the minimumVerticalExtent I try to
set. Is there a way to force the vertical spacing of staffs with
lyrics? The spacing between chorus staffs is indeed large, and the
text is set far away from the end of the staff.
BTW sometimes I get an erroneous page breaking (my 17-staff staff
systems accoupies one full page): two systems instead of getting on
two separate pages are put on one (one system shows fully and the
other only the first staff, atthe end of the page). Lilypond ouputs
non errors or warnings.

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