On Nov 16, 2005, at 01:14, Mats Bengtsson wrote:

The easiest is just to put all the words together within double quotes, so LilyPond
handles them as a single syllable:

\lyricmode{ "This sentence is handled like a single syllable" This one is not! }

If you have so many words that you need a line break in the middle of the pseudo-chant, you would need some more advanced tricks, such as connecting
them to a voice with invisible notes.

Thank you Mats. This works, in a way - but then the note is centred over the line of lyrics. I suppose that may be correct for an ordinary single syllable, but in a chant it means the singer can't see his note until half the words are over. However, I've successfully used invisible notes for the extra words. Thanks to you for that tip as well.


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