I would start the other way around, namely in the LSR or (more or less equivalently)
with the Regression Tests and Tips and Tricks documents.

For Scheme, see "Appendix B Scheme tutorial" and the links therein.
See also http://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/ for a book that's a standard reference
in computer science and uses Scheme throughout.


D Josiah Boothby wrote:

Regarding scheme, I can't really help you and would welcome additional explanations. However, in general, the easiest way to learn Lilypond (or at least what worked for me) is to go to the mutopia website and download lilypond sources. Copy and paste until you get comfortable starting from scratch (at which point you'll probably continue copying and pasting because you may find that it takes less time).

Also, the LSR (lilypond snippet repository) can be quite useful, but unfortunately, I have not spent enough time there to tell you how useful it is.


On Mon, 5 Dec 2005, Mehmet Okonsar wrote:

Hello users and creators of the best music notation program in the world!

What can you suggest for learning Scheme?
A set of few links for getting from almost 0 up to Lilypond source.
Recommended readings textbooks and on-line tutorials..

Best regards,
Mehmet Okonşar, pianist-composer

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