
> Here is a simple file that I thought would be a good start for me
> getting into using lilypond. The intent is to produce the sheet music
> for fingerpicking guitar in regular note notation and tablature with the
> lyrics. I am not seeing the first staff of 'Guitar 1' on the output.
> Also I am not sure how to properly write out the lyrics yet in lilypond.

Attached is your file, slightly modified:

- Removed the \key setting from the "global" variable because
  it causes a warning when used in the tab staff context
- Moved the "global" variable inside the respective staff
- Changed the setup in the \score block to achieve your goal
- Added a Voice context where the lyrics can be directed to

Also, I suggest that you look in the manual about \chordmode
before you start to use text markup to that effect.

\version "2.6.3"

global = {
        \time 2/2

%   First guitar (regular)
firstGuitar = \context Staff {
        \set Staff.instrument = "Guitar 1 "
        \context Voice = "GuitarOne" {
        \relative c
          \key a \minor
                % Am (measure 1)
                d'4^"Am" a' f' d

                % Am F (measure 2)
                a, d
                bes^"F" d

                % C (measure 3)
                f^"C" a f' c

%   Lyrics
words = \lyricmode { Let all mor- tal flesh keep si- lence, }

%   First guitar (tablature)
tabGuitar = \context TabStaff = "GuitarTwo" {
        \set TabStaff.minimumFret = 5
        \set TabStaff.instrument = "Guitar 2 "

        \relative c
                % Am (measure 1)
                d a f' d'

                % Am F (measure 2)
                a d'
                bes d'

                % C (measure 3)
                f a f' c'

%   Score
\score {
  << \firstGuitar 
     \lyricsto "GuitarOne" \new Lyrics \words >>
  \layout {}

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