You can easily add text instructions anywhere in the score using
so-called Text Markup. However, there is no direct support for
footnotes, even though you can specify text that should go into
the page footer if you can stand to handle the numbering or marking
of the footnotes manually. Of course, if this is an important feature
for you, it's also possible to sponsor the implementation of better
footnote support.

lilypond-book, which Gilles recommended, lets you insert scores
into a text document typeset using LaTeX. Even though LaTeX itself
supports footnotes, there is unfortunately no easy method to insert
these footnote commands into the score, since the scores are included
into the text document as figures.


Gilles wrote:

I work with compositions and I loved the whole idea of Lilypond
I'm thinking in start using it, but first I need to know if it's
possible to add footnotes or any kind of text in any place in the

This is probably what you are looking for:

Other question: Can I add images and symbols to a Lilypond score?
See, I work with modern notation, so I need a lot of resources that
normaly are not used in traditional notation.

If lilypond-book isn't enough for your purpose, maybe you'll have to
include the output of lilypond into other softwares for further
processing.  I think that "scribus" and "inkscape" were mentioned on
this ML.


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        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        Signals, Sensors and Systems
        Royal Institute of Technology
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
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