
Your message:

I have a measure in 2/2 time which I have four quarter notes. Below it I
want to have lyrics where one word is sung in two parts in this measure.
So the notes and lyrics go in a pseudo code fashion would be:

a  b  c  d
si -- lience

The notes 'a' and 'b' are paired with 'si--' where 'c' and 'd' are
paired with 'lience'. So far I have the lyrics for this song as:

%   Lyrics
words = \lyricmode { Let all mor -- tal | flesh keep | si -- lence, |
and with fear and }

I get an error message about my lyrics mode line because I believe its
expecting four words or syllables for measure #3. How do I tell lilypond
to be please let 'si' be one count in 2/2 time and 'lience' be for one


Which version are you using? I have that song completely entered, and working just fine if you like. Just email me, and I'll send it to you. My version is 2.7.20

Also, to make a syllable cover two notes, the easiest way is to put a slur over the notes, thus:

{a b c( d) }


{ One two three }

Will match just fine.

Also, using an _ in the lyrics will do the same thing for un-slurred notes.


Fr. Gordon Gilbert

        |                 Angels' Roost Farm                  |
        |       Rev. Fr. Gordon Gilbert & Susan Gilbert       |
        |                   705-549-5056                      |
        |                [EMAIL PROTECTED]                  |
        |                [EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |

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