Anders Kaseorg wrote:
> If I run the following simple test of dynamics through lilypond (I've
> tried both 2.6.3 and 2.7.22):
> \version "2.6.0"
> \score {
>   \relative c'' {
>     c16\p c c c c\< d e f g\f g g g g\> f e d c\p c c c c4
>   }
>   \midi {}
>   \layout {}
> }
> and play the resulting MIDI file with timidity, all but eight of the
> notes are completely silent. (I hear the first five Cs, the first and
> last Gs, and the next C.)
> Is it just me? I'd be surprised that this kind of a bug would go unnoticed.
> Anders
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You can fix this by explicitly terminating a (de)crescendo with a \!

So try:

\version "2.6.0"
\score {
  \relative c'' {
    c16\p c c c c\< d e f g\!\f g g g g\> f e d c\!\p c c c c4
  \midi {}
  \layout {}

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