1. Why does the following create a .pdf and a midi, but when I play the .midi file it just stops... it never plays anything?

perhaps version 2.6.3 has some bug in midi generation. If I remember it was fixed in 2.6.4, but I'm not sure. in version 2.7.x, your example yelds a correct midi file.

2. I want it only to show the chord names, not the notes..... how can I do that?

you have to use a ChordNames context in the \score section

3. How do I generate "\" signs inside the lines, so I can show when to play the Chord that way? An example: 4 strokes on the guitar: \ \ \ \

by "inside the lines" you mean inside the staff? if I get you right, you have to set the noteheads to slashes. these are "/" signs, not "\". For the last one I guess you should use markups with "\\".

Is this what you want?:


title = "Improvise"
composer = "Jannik Jeppesen"

chordline = \chordmode {
  \repeat volta 20 {
    a1:m c g e:m

rythmline = \relative c''
  \override NoteHead #'style = #'slash
  \override Stem #'transparent = ##t % or not
  \repeat volta 20 {
    b4 b b b
    b b b b
    b b b b
    b b b b

\score {
    \context ChordNames {
    \context Staff {
  \layout {}

\score {
  \unfoldRepeats \chordline
  \midi { \tempo 4 = 120 }

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