On 3 Jan 2006, at 10:42 am, Maarten Storm wrote:

You could do

\override Rest #'staff-position = #x

where x is a number indicating the position on the staff. Positive above the middle line, negative under it.
You can find a good example in the regression tests.

Ah, I see, you put it in the polyphonic voice and it really does only change the rest for that voice. I was using loads of << ... \\ ... >> constructs, rather than typing four separate parts like you would with a string quartet or four voices. Then I'd put the override at the top of the score where of course it didn't work, so I went off on the tangent of trying to get something like \override VoiceOne.Rest ... to work (which of course I couldn't). Thanks for your help with this.

Actually, I think the explicit positioning with eg b'2\rest might be the thing. The reason is that after typesetting, I'm running the whole lot through a lex program to convert it to 19-divisions of the octave (cis != des) which will then be played on a retuned MIDI keyboard so that each octave covers an octave and a fifth of keys. So if I use the explicit placement for all the rests, there won't be any nasty surprises when the version with scordatura tuning version for keyboard (?!) is typeset.

All this is very unlikely to make any sense at the moment, but I urge people to come along to the gig if they are interested and around at the time...


If anyone is interested in the 19-divisions-of-the-octave microtonality stuff, maybe they can email me off list and I'll send them some resources.

One final tiny little point of interest. I've noticed that the rest placement is actually much worse in 2.6 (specifically 2.6.3 debian unstable) than 2.4 on my powerbook, so that there are collisions with rests in addition the eccentric placement.

The attached snippet shows what I mean. In the first bar, the b semibreve collides with the minim rest in (the implicit) voiceTwo.

Also, just a very very minor thing, but the braces at the left hand side of the staff have increased in size since 2.4. This looks fine, but they collide with the bar numbers now, so you have to increase their offset to generate really nice output. (I think I know how yo do this).

I notice I'm a few minor revisions behind the stable release, I'm just using what's in the debian unstable branch. Here're the first three bars anyway, with the collision in bar 1 and the very high rest placement in bar 3.

When I've got the whole thing sorted, I'll put it on Mutopia or something... I wonder how many people have ill-tempered keyboards so they can play it though? :)

\version "2.6.3"

\header {
        title    = "Ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la."
        composer = "John Bull"

\score {

\new GrandStaff <<
         \new Staff {
                  #(set-accidental-style 'voice)

                  %% Bar 1
                  \time 3/1
                  g1 a  << b \\ {r2 g} >>

                  %% Bar 2
                  \time 4/1
                  << {c'1 d'} \\ {a2 c'~ c' b2:16} >>
                  << {e'1 e'} \\ {c'4 g c'2~ c'4 b g a } >>

                  %% Bar 3
                  << b1 d' >>
                  << a c' >>
                  << {r2 d'~ d' c'~} \\ {b1 a} >>


         \new Staff {
                  #(set-accidental-style 'voice)
                  \clef bass

                  %% Bar 1
                  r2 g~ g f << r1 \\ {e2. d4}  >>

                  %% Bar 2
                  << r2 \\ c2 >>
                  << {g1 f2 e2. d4 c d e c} \\ {e2 d1 c2 a,~ a,4 b, c2} >>

                  %% Bar 3
                  << {g4 d} \\ b,2 >>
                  << {g2~ g4 e fis2} \\ {a,4 g, a,1} >>
                  << g2 \\ {g,4 a,} >>
                  << {g2~ g4 f f2} \\ {b,4 c d2 a,} >>

\layout {
        \context {
                \remove Time_signature_engraver

} % end of score

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