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Hi Ray! And a happy new year to you too!

I found a similar problem with understanding when and how tweaking properties can be used, so I know what you mean. I've got no excuse: the manual even tells you what to look up, how and in which order, but it is one of those that you read, think "Yeah, I understand that", then find yourself unable to actually do any of it! A bit like doing Schenkerian analysis really. It's really easy if you know the answer before you start :) Lilypond is a salutary experience and has made me a lot more tolerant of some of my first-year C programming students!

I don't know if this is just because the problem of music layout is inherently complex. Maybe. Or perhaps I'm just getting old.

One thing about syntax and layout: I do find the lilypond mode for emacs rather useful. If I'm thinking about higher things, I'm still sufficiently inexperienced to write c2' instead of c'2, and the syntax colouring of emacs immediately points up the error. I use Debian Gnu/Linux so I just installed it from the repository. I don't know about its availability for other platforms, or if similar capabilities exist for other portable editors (jedit and kate are popular around here). But it might be worth looking into. It might not be so good at helping with global structure though.

I hope you carry on with Lilypond. It seems to me like using LaTeX. Dreadfully over-complicated at first, but with familiarisation comes the feeling of amazement that you could ever have put up with what you were using before, and astonishment that you ever found it hard to use.


On 5 Jan 2006, at 4:54 am, Ray wrote:

First off, I think Lilypond is amazing and I had very few problems installing
it or using it, despite a relatively limited musical knowledge.  I'm an
amateur songwriter with no ambitions of ever going pro but wanted to print out my music as a gift for my mom at Christmas. We're talking very simple stuff: a melody, lyrics, and the markup guitar chords at (approximately) the right

Through the tutorial I quickly gained fluency in the make up of an .ly file, but I found that as the file got larger it got harder and harder to keep track of. Furthermore, when any kind of bug appeared it was almost impossible to sleuth out...as there is almost no documentation (that I could find, anyway) dealing with the syntax or _general_ form of a .ly document. I don't see this as a failing per se, but perhaps it might be something that folks could push for as time permits? Alternatively, additional templates might be nice, ones
that address non-classical music forms.

In my case, I found it hard not to compare Lilypond to HTML...they both seem essentially like markup languages and they both have "header" files. Getting the hang of Lilypond _should_ be relatively easy. But having a visual sense of the .ly "body" is much, much harder. In the example files it's hard to discern what are the variables and what are the Lilypond syntax codes (color coding the examples would be a great boon for anyone trying to figure them out). And there doesn't seem to be any kind of simple discussion about how
to organize a file, such as:

"A .ly file has 3 basic parts. The header, the body, and the score. In the header, info about the piece is given (composer, title, etc.) as well as any other useful info the program may need but which doesn't relate to the notes themselves. The body is where the notes and the lyrics are set down. The score is where the "printing" (whether to paper or MIDI) is done. Variables are written in the 'body' part and then used later as part of the score."

I'm not even sure I'm right about what I've just written, actually, but it's
what I'm gleaning from the current examples, most of which are fine for
explaining the particular microscopic issue but which don't place it in a
macroscopic context.  After about 2 weeks of solid sleuthing and head
scratching, I am still having a heck of a time getting my .ly file to print a pdf and a MIDI file at the same time, and I haven't had any luck in using the "score" section. I can get a nice pdf if I comment out my score part, but then it won't play MIDI. I also have had a heck of a time with getting my lyrics to match the right notes. I tried using the "\lyrics" line but
couldn't get the syntax to work.

Also, what the tutorial needs is some kind of sense of how these smaller pieces fit into a larger whole. It's easy enough to see that "{a2 b1 c4is (d8 e16)}" will write appropriate notes. It's much harder to know what's
going wrong when they _don't_ appear that way as part of a larger song.

Please don't take this as a vent or that I'm upset---I'm not: I could never write music like this without Lilypond and really want to become more fluent in writing it so that it doesn't take me so long to write songs down. If I can help in providing some new documentation along these lines please let me

As an enthusiastic beginner learning the ropes, what I would love to see is:

1. An annotated deconstruction of a well known song (melody and vocals). Preferably several---a classic rock piece, a classical piece, and a more
complex piece would work nicely.
2. Color-coded examples throughout, so that the variable names and the .ly
codes are more easily distinguishable.
3. A dictionary of syntax codes, linked (again) directly to larger examples so that we can see how they work. Saying "\score { . . . } doesn't really help us if what's inside the brackets is a multi-nested set of commands. 4. The tutorial examples reused in larger pieces so that we can more clearly
see how the small pieces become part of a larger whole.
5. Much more detailed syntax debugging, with a list of what the error codes
6. Perhaps, some clearer discussion about how to best _organize_ a song so that as one writes, changes lyrics, switches notes around, the piece needs as
little rewriting as possible.
7.  The MIDI info seems quite thin.

If anyone out there knows answers or if this info already exists and I've just been missing it, please post and tell me about it. I'd love to get more
fluent with this neat program and look forward to helping improve it.

Happy New Year 2006 to all!

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