> AFAIK, no java environment ships with windows, so if you want it to work
> out-of-the-box, then, yes you would need to include java in the download.

There does (or did?) but outdated and stripped (enough that some java
applets work... But the Java tree component wasn't included some years
ago.. ;) So JRE from sun is needed to work properly AFAIK.
I was thinking of the effort to moving jEdit to JRE 1.5.. That did brake
some apps on gentoo linux and some plugins in jEdit AFAIK.

So I'm not sure wether it would be a nice idea providing JRE 1.5,
lilypond, jEdit, lil4jedit in one installer..
This installer should contain JRE installer and launch it
automatically.. and do the same with jEdit? and contain a readme on how
to upgrade things manually (see jEdit plugins and so on..)

Anyway, would anyone be interested?? If there are a couple of people I
can try putting some effort into this task.. But as as noone is
complaining.. ;-)

Happy New not much grown up yet year !


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