> I can't seem to figure out how to slightly change the structure to make
> it work :-{
> I tried with "\addlyrics" but it shows only one line of the "caption"
> instead of one for each transposed part...
> Several "\addlyrics" produce the same problem as "\lyricsto".
> Any hint?

Is this what you had in mind?

\version "2.6.3"

theNotes = \relative c' {
  \key d \aeolian
  d4 e f g a bes cis d 
  c bes a g f ees d
  \bar "|"
  <d f a>2 <g bes d> <a cis e>
  \bar "||"

text = \lyricmode {
  "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I IV V
  "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I IV V

modeOnD = { \theNotes }

theMusic = \context Staff = "Mode" \with { \remove "Time_signature_engraver" } {

    \context Voice = "notes" {
      \transpose d d { \modeOnD }
      \transpose d c { \modeOnD }
    \lyricsto "notes" \new Lyrics { \text }

\score {
  \layout {}

It works, but is a real pain because one has to had as many lines of exactly
the same "text" as there are going to be transposed parts.
Furthermore, in the original file setup, the notes (scale) are defined in
one file (together with the "text") and the "\score" in another.
Is ther some way (given the current "limitation" of "\lyricsto") to keep
this separation between "data" and "presentation"?


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