On Thursday 19 January 2006 18.18, Bostjan Kuzman wrote:
> Thanks for the advice.
> However, though double clicking lilypond-book.py does something in
> Windows, I still don't know how to process the files.
> Running
> python c:/Progra~1/LilyPond/usr/bin/lilypond-book.py
> from Command prompt looks OK, but if I do
> python c:/Progra~1/LilyPond/usr/bin/lilypond-book.py test.lytex,
> then I get
> Path not found.

Hm, seems to be a problem with temporary files or something, might be windows 
specific. lilypond-book works without problems under Ubuntu, so the easiest 
solution is to do your work on that box.

If you really need to use windows, you could try the cygwin package (and the 
bash shell iso. native command prompt), this might help (but I don't know, I 
never used latex under windows).


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