Hello Lilypond-Friends,

I found a wonderful editor to write and performe Lilypond in 
Windows-Systems. He is called Context and can be found at:

Context is a relative new programmers editor and freeware. The 
advantages are

1. You can use the known Windows-Shortcuts to work (not all 
   editors do that) 
2. You can write an own highlightersyntax-file to highlight the 
   Lilypond-commands 3. You can launch Lilypond from the editor 
   with function keys, means, you can make your PDF and start 
   the midi-file 
4. When launching you have a control window to see mistakes and 
   you can correct them pronto in the named line.

If you want to launch your program, go to "Options, 
Environment" and "Execute Keys". Push "ADD" and write in the 
popup-entryfield the ending "ly". Then mark a function key 
(like F9) and write in the entryfield "Execute" your lilypond 
path and a following "%n". May be this is your entry:

   D:\music\lilypond\usr\bin\lilypond.exe %n 

Make a tick in "Capture Console output" to have a 
compilercontrol in your editorwindow. The percent-entry behind 
lilypond.exe calls your loaded programm. You don't need to save 
your last writings (but the filename must exist). 

With another function key you can call another program. Mark 
another function key and write in the Execute-Entryfield: 

   %F.pdf (calls your PDF-Reader and loads ) 
   %F.midi (calls your Midi-Player) 

That's all.

If you compile, you push F9. 

If you want to see your notes, you only push your defined 
function keys to see and hear your composing results. With 
ALT+TAB you are back in your editor and you can go on without 
leaving and new loading your ly-file.

I think Context is a wonderful alternative to the complicated 
editors emacs and vim.

And I think of course, lilypond is a wonderful program and has wonderful
creative developers!
Thanks and greetings from germany! 

Uli Heller

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