
> How can I tell Lilypond to put out the tune (ie the notes) n times,
> where n is taken from the command line ?

I don't think that you can pass this kind of arguments on the
command line.

A few weeks ago, I wished for something similar: i.e. a tool to
concatenate MIDI files.  [I tried it with a Perl module, but I
couldn't work it out.]

> I would like to have my tunes stand alone, so I can edit them an play
> them individually.  But I would also like to "suck" the essential
> parts of these same tunes into a book for sharing or perhaps
> publications.
> I don't mind writing some perl code to do this, but I need to know the
> essential parts to suck in.

You don't need to program to achieve this; it's a matter of
organizing your lilypond code in various files, using "\include"
to put the common music either alone in a file, or grouping it
with other tunes in a file with multiple "\score" sections.


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