Are you sure that you mean key signature? In C major, you don't see
the key signature, right. Maybe you mean time signature, so you should
set the property on the TimeSignature object. Secondly, read carefully
at Sect. "9.2.2 Constructing a tweak". Which of these items did you consider?

You probably forgot to check in which context the time signatures
(and key signatures) are handled, namely in the Staff context.
This means that you have to explicitly say
\override Staff.TimeSignature and Staff.KeySignature, otherwise
the setting will only apply to the current Voice, which doesn't
affect what happens at the Staff level.


Quoting Felix Hammer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Am Mittwoch, 25. Januar 2006 06:14 schrieben Sie:
Felix Hammer wrote:
> I have tried
>   \key c \major
>         \time 19/1
>         \set Staff.fontSize = #-5
>         \override KeySignature #'font-size = #+1
>         g1 a b \set Staff.fontSize = #+1 c1 d e f g a b c d e f g a b c
>         \bar "|."
> but it doesnt work. I didn't get a bigger key.

I'm not sure, but it might be illegal to write  #+1
Maybe you need to write  #1

-- Tom

mmh with #1 or #3 its the same.

i've also tried:

\key c \major
        \time 19/1
        \override KeySignature #'font-size = #3
        g1 a b \set Staff.fontSize = #+1 c1 d e f g a b c d e f g a b c \bar

but nothing happens. The Key-size is everytime the same. May be its a bug in
the font-interface for KeySignature?


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