Alle 13:19, martedì 31 gennaio 2006, liang seng ha scritto:
> Hi, I am using Lilypond 2.7.27 for Windows 98 and I have a problem putting
> a file which contains piano centered dynamics into a score. The contents of
> the file "" are the same as the input file used to generate piano
> centered dynamics in the 2.7 documentation file. The file of the score is
> as below:
> \version "2.7.27"
> \include ""
> \score{
> \new StaffGroup << \override Score.InstrumentName #'space-alist =
> #'((left-edge extra-space . 4.0))
> \new Staff { \set Staff.instrument = "Violin" R2 }
> \new Staff { \set Staff.instrument = "Viola" R2}
> \new PianoStaff << \set PianoStaff.instrument = "Piano"
> \new Staff { \upper }
> \new Staff { \lower } >>
> \new Staff { \set Staff.instrument = "Bass" R2 }
> }
> The contents of \upper are:
> \new Voice \relative c {
>        \clef treble
>        \key c \major
>        \time 2/4
>      \change Staff=lower
> r8 g32 b d g a8\rest \stemUp g32 b \change Staff=upper d g   }
> The contents of \lower are:
> \new Voice \relative c  { \clef bass
> \stemDown \times 2/3 { g,16 b d } c8\rest \times 2/3 { g'16 b d } r8
>      }
> The problem is highlighted in the pdf file. The piano staff appears twice
> while the piano staff which is in the correct position does not display the
> manual staff switches. What is wrong?

Maybe you should try to give a name to piano staves, using the "\context" 
command- otherwise I think the switching-notes routine will get confused. 
So try writing :

\new PianoStaff << \set PianoStaff.instrument = "Piano"
  \context Staff = upper { \upper }
  \context Staff = lower { \lower } >>

I hope this could be useful.

Best regards,

Gianluca D'Orazio

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