Graham Percival <gpermus <at>> writes:

> On 2-Feb-06, at 5:02 AM, alexandre reche e silva wrote:
> > A) Nevertheless,  marks alignment cannot be tuned and is centred “by
> > nature”. How to force left align?
> This is explained in section 8.1.3 Text marks in the manual for 
> lilypond 2.7. I'm not certain that it will work for you in 2.4.5, 
> though.  But give it a try:
> \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #left
> \mark "Allegro"

Instead of #left, #-1 worked just fine in align marks!
> > B) ...The last notes of first section tied with first 
> > notes of the second section dont tie, indeed. What to do?
> You could fake this with invisible notes and slurs.

Excuse my newbieness, more tips will be really appreciated : )
> > C) The metronome mark collide with high notes in the first staff. How 
[to] lift it up?
> See section 4.3 Fixing overlapping notation in the manual for 2.6 or 
> 2.7.
It worked with 2.4.5 after some "blind frobnication"

I still need help because of a strange side effect: iusing /mark to 
"titling" adds a empty staff at the top of the others?!?! (This is really 
embarrassing. Imagine. An uninvited blank top staff...).

thanks in advance,
a r s

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