The small example at the end of the file that you had commented out
illustrated exactly the technique to use. Just specify different names
of the music voice for the introduction (voorspel) and the verse.

Here's a modified version of your code that should work. I also used a
Text Mark to typeset the word "Voorspel" and used padding instead of
extra-offset to move it away from the stave.

\new StaffGroup
%\override SystemStartBracket #'transparent = ##t
\override Score.RemoveEmptyVerticalGroup #'remove-first = ##t
\chords {
       d1*2:m g1:m d:m
       d1:m g1*2:m d1:m
       d:m c a:m d:m
       d:m g g:m d:m
       g:m d:m c d:m
\new Staff \relative c' {
       \time 4/4
       \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()
       \key f \major
       \context Voice = vorspiel {
         \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'padding = #5.0
          \mark "Voorspel"
         d4 d8 c d2
         d4 d8 c d2 \breathe
         d4 e8 f g4 f8 e
         f4 e d2
%          \bar "||"
         \break         }
       \context Voice = verse {
          \repeat volta 2 {
               d4 d8 c d4 f
               g2~ g4 \breathe d
               g g8 f g4 a
               f4 f8 e f4 g
               e8[( f)] e[( d)] c2 \breathe
               e4 e8 d e4 f
         \repeat volta 2{
               a'4 a8 g a4 f
               g2~ g4 \breathe d
               g g8 f g4 a
               g4 g8 f g4 a
               f~ f8 e d2 \breathe
               e4 e8 d c4 d
               d2. r4
\new Lyrics \lyricsto verse {
       %\override SeparationItem #'padding = #0.1
       %\override LyricHyphen  #'minimum-length = #0.0
       E -- rev shell sho -- sha -- nim
       net -- se na el ha -- bus -- tan
       mor be -- sa -- nim u -- le -- vo -- na
       le ra -- ge -- lech mif -- tan.
       Lai -- la yo -- red le -- hat,
       ve -- ru -- ach sho -- shan nosh -- la
       ha -- va el chash lach shir ba -- lat,
       ze mer -- shell a -- ha -- va.
\new Staff
\relative c' {
       #(set-accidental-style 'modern)
       \key f \major
       d4 d8 c d4 a'
       b2~ b4 \breathe a
       bes bes8 a bes4 d
       a4 a8 g a4 bes
       g8[( a)] g[( f)] e2 \breathe
       g4 g8 f g4 a
       a4 a8 g a4 c
       b2~ b4 \breathe a
       bes bes8 a bes4 c
       bes4 bes8 a bes4 c
       a~ a8 g f2 \breathe
       g4 g8 f e4 f
       f2. r4



Quoting Hendrik Maryns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

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I?m not sure about the word foreplay, I mean Dutch voorspel, it is a
short piece of music that comes before the main piece, typical in
folklore dance music.  Concretely, I have a song (Erev shell shoshanim),
which has this foreplay, and then the text begins.  I can?t manage to
get the text to start in the right place.  How can I postpone the
beginning of the lyrics?

It?s been a while since I used Lilypond and wrote this piece, and I want
to finish it now, never having accomplished the problem.

It is almost perfectly what I want, except for the misplaced lyrics.

Here is what I have:

\version "2.6.0"
        title = "Erev shell shoshanim"
        composer = "Israƫl"

\layout {
        \context { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext }

\new StaffGroup
%\override SystemStartBracket #'transparent = ##t
\override Score.RemoveEmptyVerticalGroup #'remove-first = ##t
\chords {
        d1*2:m g1:m d:m
        d1:m g1*2:m d1:m
        d:m c a:m d:m
        d:m g g:m d:m
        g:m d:m c d:m
\new Staff \relative c' {
        \time 4/4
        \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()
        \key f \major
        \once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'( 0.0 . 5.0 )
        d4^\markup{Voorspel} d8 c d2
        d4 d8 c d2 \breathe
        d4 e8 f g4 f8 e
        f4 e d2
        \bar "||"
        \bar "|:"
        \repeat volta 2 {
                d4 d8 c d4 f
                g2~ g4 \breathe d
                g g8 f g4 a
                f4 f8 e f4 g
                e8[( f)] e[( d)] c2 \breathe
                e4 e8 d e4 f
        \repeat volta 2{
                a'4 a8 g a4 f
                g2~ g4 \breathe d
                g g8 f g4 a
                g4 g8 f g4 a
                f~ f8 e d2 \breathe
                e4 e8 d c4 d
                d2. r4
\addlyrics {
        %\override SeparationItem #'padding = #0.1
        %\override LyricHyphen  #'minimum-length = #0.0
        \skip 1
        E -- rev shell sho -- sha -- nim
        net -- se na el ha -- bus -- tan
        mor be -- sa -- nim u -- le -- vo -- na
        le ra -- ge -- lech mif -- tan.
        Lai -- la yo -- red le -- hat,
        ve -- ru -- ach sho -- shan nosh -- la
        ha -- va el chash lach shir ba -- lat,
        ze mer -- shell a -- ha -- va.
\new Staff
\relative c' {
        #(set-accidental-style 'modern)
        \key f \major
        d4 d8 c d4 a'
        b2~ b4 \breathe a
        bes bes8 a bes4 d
        a4 a8 g a4 bes
        g8[( a)] g[( f)] e2 \breathe
        g4 g8 f g4 a
        a4 a8 g a4 c
        b2~ b4 \breathe a
        bes bes8 a bes4 c
        bes4 bes8 a bes4 c
        a~ a8 g f2 \breathe
        g4 g8 f e4 f
        f2. r4


    \score{ <<
      \context Voice = melody \relative c' {
        c2 e | g e | c1 |
        \context Voice = verse \repeat volta 2 {c4 d e f | g1 | }
        a2 b | c1}
      \lyricsto melody  \context Lyrics = mainlyrics \lyricmode {
        do mi sol mi do
        la si do }
      \lyricsto verse \context Lyrics = mainlyrics \lyricmode {
       do re mi fa sol }
      \lyricsto verse \context Lyrics = repeatlyrics \lyricmode {
       dodo rere mimi fafa solsol }

Hendrik Maryns

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