On 11-Feb-06, at 10:57 AM, Alan wrote:

There is probably an answer somewhere in the documentation; at the moment, I cannot find it. I do not know how to use midi2ly. The command line specified in the documentation does not work when I type it into the ly file and compile.

You do not type the command line into the ly file, you type it on the command line. Have you used terminal? If not, try reading this:

Note: I don't really know if this is a good introduction; I just spend two minutes googling for relevant terms, and this looked like the best one.

I am new to this code-based stuff: Could you please provide me with a step by step walkthrough on how I should go about doing the conversion? I am using
Tiger OS X and have LilyPond 2.6.5-1 installed.

Once you are more familiar with the command line, try looking at the lilypond docs again... if there's still a problem, post again.

- Graham

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