I think it's a syntax error, if I append '>>' at the end of your file
(to close what you've opened at l.17), I can compile your file on my 2.7.27.

Please join a copy of the error output when you ask a question, it is
useful to answer you.

Bonne soirée,

Jean Bergeron wrote:
> Hi,
> I try to achive to change the names for the Chordsnames from English to
> French and described in
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.7/input/test/collated-files.html  but I only
> obtain errors.
> How could I do it ?
> \header {
>   title = "Chanson pour l\'Auvergnat"
>   subtitle = " "
>   source = " "
>   composer = "Georges Brassens (1921-)"
>   enteredby = "jean"
>   copyright = " "
>      }
> \version "2.7.0"
> \paper {
>   #(set-paper-size "letter")
> }
> \layout {
> }
> <<
> \chords  {
>        e4 :m r2   r2.  b4 :7 r2    r2.  r2.   r2.  e4 :m r2
>        r2.   r2.   b4:7 r2   r2.   r2 c4 :6    a :m6 r2    b4:7   r2.  r2.
>     }
> \new Staff {
>         \clef treble
>         \key g \major
>         \time 3/4
> e'4 e' fis' g'2 e'4 dis'2 e'4 fis'2. dis'4 dis' e' fis'2 dis'4 e'2 fis'4
> g'2.   \break
> e'4 e' fis' g'2 e'4 dis'2 e'4 fis'2 g'4 e' fis' g' a' b' c'' b'2. ~ b'2.
> \break
>  \bar "|."  \break
>      }
> Thanks in advance
> Jean Bergeron
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Aurèle Duda

Origami artworks / Créations en origami :
http://aurele-origami.com (en construction)

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