Hi everyone!

(@Trent: You already received this eMail, but it was rejected by the list.)

But what I have found is that tiny fragments of bar-lines
appear under the lyrics. How can I get rid of these?

   \context Lyrics = "lmelodySop" \lyricmode {
      \lyricsto "melodySop" \override BarLine #'bar-size = #0 \verse

in the score section works.

I don't know whether this is supposed to be a bug or not. But I also wouldn't have expected any bar lines in lyric context when adding a Bar_engraver.

On the other side: I wouldn't mind lyrics crossing bar lines (and hence not add any Bar_engraver) as long as there are no visible bar lines (like when using a StaffGroup).

For being a bug or not once more: I found the following for the definition of context Lyrics within engraver_init.ly (so there might be a reason for bar line relics):

  %% make sure that barlines aren't collapsed, when
  %% Bar_engraver is there.
  \override BarLine #'bar-size = #0.1

Kind regards,
Thies Albrecht

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