--- Joseph Haig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am trying to typeset a piece in both ancient music (gregorian
> chant)
> and modern notation.  Is it possible to align notes in the two
> notations?  I realise that it may need to be done explicitly for
> every
> note.

Further to this, I have included below a copy of the code I have so far
(now I have finished entering it).  As you will be able to see, the
lyrics can be linked to either the modern or ancient music but not both
at the same time.  Is it possible to link music to lyrics with
something like \musicto instead of linking lyrics to music with
\lyricsto?  This may be a solution.




\version "2.6.3"

#(set-default-paper-size "a4")
#(set-global-staff-size 18)

global = {
  \key c \major

\include "gregorian-init.ly"
modernMusic = \relative c' {
  \set Score.timing = ##f
  e8 e f e( d) g g a( c) c4 \divisioMinima\bar ""
  c8( d) c c b a c b( a g4) \divisioMaxima\bar ""
  g8 a c b a g a g4 \divisioMinima\bar ""
  a8 b g g e a a4( d,) \divisioMaxima\bar ""
  e8 g g e g a a g4 \divisioMinima\bar ""
  a8 b g a( g) f( e) d e4 \finalis\bar ""
  \context Voice = modernamen {
    e8( f e)
    d4( e)

ancientMusic = \relative c {
  \clef "vaticana-do3"
  e e f \[ e\melisma \flexa d\melismaEnd \] g g
    \[ a\melisma \pes c\melismaEnd \] c
\divisioMinima\bar ""
  \[ c\melisma \pes d\melismaEnd \] c c b a c
    \[ \virga b\melisma \inclinatum a \inclinatum g\melismaEnd \]
\divisioMaxima\bar ""
  g a c b a g a g
\divisioMinima\bar ""
  a b g g e a \[ a\melisma \flexa d,\melismaEnd \]
\divisioMaxima\bar ""
  e g g e g a a g
\divisioMinima\bar ""
  a b g
    \[ a\melisma \flexa g\melismaEnd \]
    \[ f\melisma \flexa e\melismaEnd \]
    d e
\finalis\bar ""
  \context VaticanaVoice = ancientamen {
    \[ e\melisma \pes f \flexa e\melismaEnd \]
    \[ d\melisma \pes e\melismaEnd \]

verseone = \lyricmode {
  Tan -- tum er -- go sac -- ra -- men -- tum
  Ve -- ne -- re -- mur cer -- nu -- i,
  Et an -- ti -- quum do -- cu -- men -- tum
  No -- vo ce -- dat ri -- tu -- i;
  Prae -- stet fi -- des sup -- ple -- men -- tum
  Sen -- su -- um de -- fec -- tu -- i.

versetwo = \lyricmode {
  Ge -- ni -- to -- ri Ge -- ni -- to -- que
  Laus et iu -- bi -- la -- ti -- o,
  Sa -- lu, ho -- nor,  vir -- tus quo -- que
  Sit et be -- ne -- dic -- ti -- o;
  Pro -- ce -- den -- ti ab u -- tro -- que
  Com -- par sit lau -- da -- ti -- o.

wordamen = \lyricmode { A -- men }

\layout {
  \context {
    % a little smaller so lyrics
    % can be closer to the staff
      minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-3 . 3)
    \remove Time_signature_engraver

\score {
    \context VaticanaVoice = ancient { << \global \ancientMusic >> }
    \context Lyrics = verseone { s1 }
    \context Lyrics = versetwo { s1 }
    \context Voice = modern { << \global \modernMusic >> }

    \context Lyrics = verseone \lyricsto ancient \verseone
    \context Lyrics = versetwo \lyricsto ancient \versetwo
    \context Lyrics = versetwo \lyricsto ancientamen \wordamen

> Thanks,
> Joe
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