Hi again...
Can any of you answer these questions, simply cant figure out what to do... Question one is most important, since I cant frint out my little book, untill this is solved


Hi, have a few questions regarding EPS files.

If I generate an EPS file it generates alot of white emty space at the top of the document. So when I open the EPS file in word there is a lot of emty space between my text and the image. Here is a example of a file converted to EPS:
\version "2.6.3"

\paper {
 #(set-paper-size "a4")
 tagline = ""
 indent = 0\cm

blues = \relative c {
 \time 4/4
 \repeat volta 20 {
 a8\6 c\6 d\5 dis\5 e\5 g\4 a\4 c\3 d\3 dis\3 e\2 g\2 a\1 c\1
 a\1 g\2 e\2 dis\3 d\3 c\3 a\4 g\4 e\5 dis\5 d\5 c\6

guitar = \context Staff = "guitar" {
 \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic guitar (nylon)"
 \key a \minor
 \clef "G_8"

guitartab = \context TabStaff = "guitartab" {
 \override Beam #'transparent = ##t
 \override Stem #'transparent = ##t

\score {
 \layout {}
\score {}

Do any of you know where I tell it to ONLY generate the eps files... (not tex/texi
and eps.pdf) I do not use these files...

Thanks for all your help.


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