Two things you might want to read in the manual, and I will assume you're using version 2.6:

First, as an attempt to answer your question, you might find sections 2.10 (Combining notes into chords) and 2.16 (Single staff polyphony) useful. Also, section 6.6 is devoted to a more thorough discussion on polyphony and may have some details you might find relevant.

Second, you might want to take a look at section 2.3 (More about pitches), and look at how notes should be indicated, even when using a key signature. In particular, this may be helpful, for instance, for the first couple notes in the soprano voice.


On Mon, 13 Mar 2006, jango wrote:

why not try something, compile it, and if you don't like the results,
either change octaves (using , or ') or use the --png option and show us
a picture of what's wrong. honestly, i'm not entirely sure what you're

sorry, i will try to clarify that =)

I have that piece of music.

I've succesefully entered the soprano and tenor note sequence and got
something like that:

Now I want to enter the note sequence for alto (red notes on the picture)

The problem is that I cannot find the way (i tried adding ' ) to put these
notes on the stave.

So basically I'm asking what letter sequence ( and "/relative" key)  would
the represent the first red note?

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