I will use my EPS files to the following.

I am making a guitar book, and shall make 2 pages with fret diagrams:
 how to make open chords,
 how to make barré chords

So i want it to say the chord name, and then the diagram under it, and nothing else.
Could anyone help me getting started on this?

How do I make the markup on a Chord name...

As far as I know, you cannot include a markup within a chord name
context. One possibility is to add a separate lyrics line that only
contains the markups.

This does not work.
Want to make different EPS files with one chord in each, and then a
whole page as well with all of them.

If you tell how you plan to use the EPS files, it might be easier to
provide a relevant answer.


\version "2.7.36"
\chords {d}
 \fret-diagram #"6-x;5-x;4-o;3-2;2-3;1-2;"
How do I set the space between the diagrams, when I enter more than one?

For your second question, did you read the section on Arpeggio?

I have read section 6.5, but cant find any arrows?
Like this ↓ ↑ ↓ ↑
             1  &  2  &

It's possible to have a stand-alone \markup{...} in a .ly file, so
one possibility would be to make a .ly file with

\markup{  \fret-diagram #"6-x;5-x;4-o;3-2;2-3;1-2;"
 \fret-diagram #"6-x;5-x;4-o;3-1;2-1;1-3;"


Quoting Jannik Jeppesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hi all..

How do I whrite

A score with only fret diagrams?

I can only figure out to use the "^\markup \fret-diagram" command...

And Is it possible to whrite arrows to show strumming on the guitar?

All for now...


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