--- Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 16-Mar-06, at 7:57 AM, Geoff Horton wrote:
> > I've been typesetting a number of hymns, and in the process I've
> come
> > across (and occasionally at least somewhat invented) some
> techniques
> > that are helpful in getting the results to look like I want. Some
> of
> > these might be genuine FAQs, but since I concentrate on choral
> music,
> > I know there are a lot more FAQs whose answer I don't have.
> A few comments:
> LaTeX margins for lilypond-book:
> Packages work just fine.  This is what I use for all my lilypond-book
> scores
> \documentclass[12pt,letterpaper]{book}
> head]{geometry}
> Make sure you run the "texsetup" or "texconfig" and set the dvips
> paper  
> size to "letterpaper".  For some reason it defaults to A4 -- even
> when  
> you specify "letterpaper" in your .latex (or .lytex) file.  :(

Another point regarding this is that the 'something important' that you
are missing is that only one of evensidemargin and oddsidemargin are
used on any one page.  They refer to the outside margin of even and odd
pages in a book respectively.  The inside margin does not need to be
specified as it is determined by the other lengths.  A diagram that
explains this is in Lampart's book as well as on page 113 of the 'Not
So Short Introduction to LaTeX 2e':


Having said that, I am having problems myself with the margins (I have
already asked a question about it) and Graham's suggestion is probably
better, although I don't have the geometry package installed.

Hope this helps,


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