
following the example given in the docs I typeset a 4 voice piece with
automatic transcription of the 4 voices in a piano
staff. Unfortunately the piece starts in the soprano with a stem-down
note (the other voices resting). In the piano reduction, this voice
retains the stem direction although it would be preferable if the
soprano *always* has a stem up in the piano staff. In addition the
rest in the alto voice is missing in the reduction. In Bar 3 of the
piano reduction there is a similar problem in the alto voice, where
the stem direction is up instead of down,

Is there any way to define a fixed direction in the stem for the
individual voices of the piano reduction without having to duplicate
the source material?

The source is attached.

\version "2.8.0"

% Titel und Fußzeile:

\header {
%     title = \markup { \column {"Choral" " "} }
%     composer = "J. S. Bach"
    tagline = "gesetzt mit LilyPond"

% Einstellungen für alle Stimmen:

global = {
  \key f \minor  % Tonart
  \time 4/4      % Metrum
%  \partial 4     % Auftakt 1 Viertelnote


SopranNoten = \relative c'' {
  c2 des | c2. f4~ | f4 bes, es2 

AltNoten = \relative c' {
 r4 f2 bes4~ | bes4 as8 g as4 g8 f | g2. as8 g f4

TenorNoten = \relative c' {
r1 r r r

BassNoten = \relative c {
r1 r r r

\score {

% Die oberen vier Einzelsysteme:

      \context ChoirStaff
        \new Staff {
          \clef soprano
%      \clef G
      \set Staff.instrument = \markup { "Sopran" \hspace #2 }
      \context Voice =
      sopranos { << \global \SopranNoten >> }

    \new Staff {
      \set Staff.instrument = \markup { "Alt" \hspace #2 }
      \clef alto
%      \clef G
      \context Voice =
      altos {  << \global \AltNoten >> }

    \new Staff {
      \set Staff.instrument = \markup { "Tenor" \hspace #2 }
      \clef tenor
%      \clef "G_8"
      \context Voice =
      tenors { <<\global \TenorNoten >> }

    \new Staff {
      \set Staff.instrument = \markup { "Bass" \hspace #2 }
      \clef bass
      \context Voice =
      basses { <<\global \BassNoten >> }


%% Das Klaviersystem mit den zusammengefassten Stimmen:

       \new PianoStaff
         \new Staff <<
           \set PianoStaff.instrument = \markup { "Klavier" \hspace #2 }
           \set Staff.printPartCombineTexts = ##f
           << \global \SopranNoten >>
           << \global \AltNoten >>
         \new Staff <<
           \clef bass
           \set Staff.printPartCombineTexts = ##f
           << \global \TenorNoten >>
           << \global \BassNoten >>

% Definition des Layouts
    \layout {
      raggedright = ##t
      \context {
% a little smaller so lyrics
% can be closer to the staff
        minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-3 . 3)
  \midi {
    \tempo 4 = 94
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