On Sat, Apr 08, 2006 at 07:56:28PM +0200, Mats Bengtsson scripsit:
> To get a |: printed at the start of the piece, use an
> explicit \bar "|:".

I've been using 

\set Timing.whichBar = "|:"

to (so far as I understand it) over-ride the default Timing value of 'no
bar' for the initial bar, which looks like it's working.

Is there a reason to set it explicitly instead of doing it that way?

> To get time signatures before bar lines instead of after,
> you can do

That works beautifully; thank you!

Next silly question -- 

Many pipe tunes have an initial partial bar and a final partial bar in
the measure, which should between them total an entire bar.

Is there an existing way to barcheck this by telling lilypond that the
first partial and the final partial should be considered together?

So far as I can tell, there isn't.


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