Ideally, LilyPond should support all possible notations that anybody ever want to use. :-)
Seriously, the Tips and Tricks document contains an example, which provides a small function to typeset
time signatures of the form 6/8 + 5/8. If you or anybody else comes up with a similar function to simplify time signatures of the style 6+5/8, then feel free to send it to the mailing list and/or add it to the LilyPond Snippet Repository.

Since there have been so many speculations and hints but no specific answer to the original question, I provide one here
(I was hoping that somebody else would manage)

tsMarkup =\markup {
 \override #'(baseline-skip . 2) \number {
   \hspace #1.0 \center-align { \line { 2 + 3 } 4 }

The rest of the example can be taken from the one in the manual.


Quoting "Dave K." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Well, then you have to figure out how to typeset the
time signature you want, using text markup.

Is this really ideal? Wouldn't it be better for Lilypond to be able to
typeset these kinds of time signatures? They're not as uncommon as you
might think.

There are several styles:

6+5 / 8

6/8 + 5/8

Sometimes measures with the same number of beats might need mixed time

6/8 + 3/4


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