Hey, all!

Just wanted to take an informal survey...

How many 'Ponders put their dynamics directly in the "note code", e.g.,
   notes = { a\pp b }
and why?

How many 'Ponders use a separate dynamics variable, e.g.,
  notes = { a b }
  dynamics = { \pp }
  << \notes \dynamics >>
and why?

How many 'Ponders use both systems, and what are the circumstances that dictate the choice?

I've found using separate \dynamics to be more flexible, especially when sections of notes repeat with different dynamics (so that you can use \repeat on the notes but not the dynamics). However, I find it much harder to manage the "split code".

In any case, I'm happy to be shown where I'm wrong, and learn "the right way". =)

Finally, is there a way to use recent additions (e.g., \parallelMusic) and get the best of both worlds?


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