Luise Marion Frenkel wrote:
> On Thu, 13 Apr 2006, Cameron Horsburgh wrote:
>>> I just don't know why in a root shell I get 
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# lilypond -v
>>> bash: /usr/bin/lilypond: No such file or directory
>>> but it does not matter.
>> Hmm, it seems your system needs a bit of a clean! I'm glad to see it's
>> working though.
>> If you were having trouble with the lilypond executable, you may also
>> run into the same trouble with the other scripts, such as convert-ly and
>> lilypond-book. Try, for example, 'convert-ly --version' and 'which -a
>> convert-ly' and see what happens. If you need any advice, please ask!
> I think I need a new Linux, but I cannot change this on my own. To have 
> a Debian based Linux that mixed from the beginning stable and testing 
> proved to be a very bad idea. I try to keep it as clean as possible with 
> little success.
> You were right, and I had remaining convert-ly, lilypond-book and 
> lilypond-latex from 2.4.0. Removing the old ones and installing again 
> 2.8.1 I now have:
> convert-ly : works only in a root shell, where it is version 2.8.1 and 
> works as expected. In a user shell it gives:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ convert-ly --version
> bash: /usr/bin/convert-ly: No such file or directory
> lilypond-book : works in root shell and user shell, version 2.8.1
> lilypond: works in user shell but not in root shell, where it gives the 
> same error as with convert-ly
> Well, I can live with this very well, and these problems do not seem 
> Lilypond related.
> I am happy for coming so far, and thank you for it.
> Luise.
>> Cameron
Ah. Try running the installation again. The files you removed were
probably links to the new executables. Try running 'uninstall-lilypond'
and then run the installer again. Everything should work properly.

I don't understand why root could run these but an ordinary user can't.
What's the output of this command (run as both root and ordinary user):

echo $PATH


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