I frequently use Illustrator as a post-Lilypond editor for musical graphics for theory handouts or papers, and I just use the PDF files which Lilypond outputs. The only issue I've run into (on Lilypond 2.6.x and Illustrator CS 2, Mac OS 10.3.8), aside from the fact that you can only edit one page of your document in Illustrator, is fonts. You'll need the Lilypond OpenType fonts installed system-wide, but even so, some manual font assignment is necessary in Illustrator. To do this, open the PDF in Illustrator, go to "Find Font..." in the "Type" menu. Under "Fonts in Document:" you'll likely see a few fonts in <> brackets, without the black & green double-O font icon after them. All of those are font names from the Lilypond file which Illustrator could not find in the system fonts. For example, my Lilypond files typically include "<CenturySchL Roma*>". Select that under "Fonts in Document:", then after "Replace With Font From:" select "System", and highlight "Century Schoolbook" in the list, then click "Change All." Once I've performed this process until all bracketed fonts are gone from "Fonts in Document" I'm good to go. (Any "Feta" or "PFAEmmentalier" fonts should be replaced by the corresponding "Emmentalier" fonts. Unlike the regular text fonts, the names of these fonts will still be in brackets, but once the replacement is done, there will be "<Emmentalier x>" followed by the double-O font icon under "Fonts in Document." The double-O icon is the key that you have an existing system font in the document.)

I hope this helps. I've always had success with Lilypond + Illustrator on Mac, and find that combination to be a great asset, so I hope you're able to get it to work.

Kris Shaffer
graduate student in music theory, Yale University
co-editor-in-chief for music theory, AmSteg.org

On Mon, 17 Apr 2006 13:50:14 -0300, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've been using Lilypond to do all the homework for my composition class. Of course, I was happy with a lot of the output, so I deleted the source files. (Yeah, yeah, I know, never delete anything...) Now I find that I want to change the file, so I thought I'd just edit the postscript output. I have a copy of Illustrator to use, but when I open the files, I only see some of the details, mostly just staff lines and a few notes here and there...

I have the most recent version of Illustrator and I'm not getting any errors when I open the file, so I'm a bit confused. Does Lilypond output "standard" postscript? Is there a better program to edit the output files with?


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